Reach Higher New Mexico

We believe every New Mexican deserves a bright future.

That future, which has been only a distant dream for many New Mexicans, is now within reach. We have the chance, right now, to secure this future by providing free higher education to EVERY New Mexican that chooses to reach higher.

Do you agree? Then help us. Sign the petition to show your support for free higher education for every New Mexican.

We believe every New Mexican deserves a bright future.

That future, which has been only a distant dream for many New Mexicans, is now within reach. We have the chance, right now, to secure this future by providing free higher education to EVERY New Mexican that chooses to reach higher.

Do you agree? Then help us. Sign the petition to show your support for free higher education for every New Mexican.

We believe every New Mexican deserves a bright future.

That future, which has been only a distant dream for many New Mexicans, is now within reach. We have the chance, right now, to secure this future by providing free higher education to EVERY New Mexican that chooses to reach higher.

Do you agree? Then help us. Sign the petition to show your support for free higher education for every New Mexican.

We believe every New Mexican deserves a bright future.

That future, which has been only a distant dream for many New Mexicans, is now within reach. We have the chance, right now, to secure this future by providing free higher education to EVERY New Mexican that chooses to reach higher.

Do you agree? Then help us. Sign the petition to show your support for free higher education for every New Mexican.

We believe every New Mexican deserves a bright future.

That future, which has been only a distant dream for many New Mexicans, is now within reach. We have the chance, right now, to secure this future by providing free higher education to EVERY New Mexican that chooses to reach higher.

Do you agree? Then help us. Sign the petition to show your support for free higher education for every New Mexican.

Reach Higher New Mexico.

Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make New Mexico a better place.

Many jobs in today’s economy require an education beyond a high school diploma. With the ever-changing workforce environment, the proximity to the military bases and national laboratories, and top industry leaders deploying operations and research within the state, New Mexicans will need opportunities to continue to learn and grow their skills for career success and family-sustaining wages in New Mexico. But for too many, earning a degree or other credential after high school is often times unaffordable. For others, their education saddles them with so much debt it prevents them from buying a home or saving for retirement. Free college promotes access to higher education programs, limits or eliminates students loan debt, and promotes economic prosperity.

This is an investment in our state's collective future.

By providing access to affordable and quality higher education, for as many New Mexicans as possible, we are investing in our common future.

Supporting Students:

  • Two-year and four-year students: Moving towards tuition-free college for students pursuing certificate, associate, and bachelor’s degrees in New Mexico.
  • Returning Lottery students: Tuition-free college to students who lost Lottery Scholarship eligibility but only have one or two semesters left to complete a bachelor’s degree.
  • Working students: Reducing the minimum credit hour requirement for returning adult learners from 12 hours to six hours allows students to work and earn while pursuing an associate degree.
  • Extending aid impact: Covering tuition and fees means federal aid can be used for expenses such as transportation, housing, and childcare.
  • Covering course fees: Covers course fees up to $250 per course.
  • Expanding eligibility: Qualified students include returning adult learners and recent high-school graduates, including those who complete a home-based or non-public school secondary education program.

Investing in Our Workforce

  • Increasing career training opportunities: Returning adult learners can receive up to two certificates under the Opportunity Scholarship, which are key for gaining and maintaining employment in many career technical fields.
  • Continuing education: Returning adult learners completing a certificate or associate degree can receive the scholarship for two additional years to complete a bachelor’s degree in a high-demand career field.

Do we need free higher education?

Free college promotes access to higher education programs, limits or eliminates students loan debt, and promotes economic prosperity.

What are our Challenges

50% of New Mexico has no higher education

Approximately 24% of New Mexicans have some college but no degree, and 50% have no postsecondary attainment.

20% Pell Grant Funding Decrease

From 2010 to 2020, the amount of Pell Grant dollars going to New Mexico students decreased by 20%, from $189 million in 2010 to $152 million in 2020, indicating that the highest-need students are part of the enrollment decline.​

48th in the Country for Educational Debt

New Mexicans are less likely to have educational debt when a free college program is in place; however, New Mexico ranks 48th in the country.

48th in the Country for Default Rates

New Mexico ranks 48th in the country for default rates suggesting that the highest-need students may be struggling with financing their education.

What are our Successes

$150 Million Return on Investment

The Higher Education Department estimates that New Mexicans could experience a return on investment from the scholarship program of about $150 million via income tax contributions, GRT, and public assistance savings for 35,000 college graduates.

18,000 Students have Received Scholarships

The New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship has already enabled thousands of students to pursue higher education. In Fall 2021, nearly 18,000 students benefitted from the Lottery and Opportunity Scholarships.

24% Increase in Median Earnings

According to a 2019 College Board report, median earnings for individuals with associate degrees working full time were 24% higher than for those with only a high school diploma, and unemployment rates were 2.8% for associate degree holders, and 4.1% for those with a high school diploma.

A Proven Track Record.

The New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship has already enabled thousands of students to pursue higher education. In Fall 2021, nearly 18,000 students benefitted from the Lottery and Opportunity Scholarships.

"I was awarded the Opportunity Scholarship in the fall, which meant I didn’t have to choose between continuing my education and buying necessities for my newborn daughter. Without the Opportunity Scholarship, I would not have been able to pay for the additional expenses associated with college to complete my classes and provide for my family at the same time."

– Ramon Trujillo, Business Student,
University of New Mexico Los Alamos branch

"State-funded college tuition programs like the Opportunity Scholarship would make the difference for students like me. Many students like me grow up working hard for what we have, and mostly desire to be the first in our family to attend college. This is something that I have been planning for, and the thought of having to face another financial hurdle would only make my path to reaching my goals harder."

Cristina Crespin, Santo Domingo Pueblo,
Santa Fe Indian School

"The biggest obstacle for me as a college student has been finances. Paying for college is expensive, and many times, it is state-funded programs like the Opportunity Scholarship that are determining factors for New Mexico students to take the step forward and go to college."

Evelyn Juarez, Pre-Medical Student,
Northern New Mexico College

I support FREE higher education for every New Mexican!

That future, which has been only a distant dream for many New Mexicans, is now within reach. We have the chance, right now, to secure this future by providing free higher education to EVERY New Mexican that chooses to reach higher.

Do you agree? Then help us. Sign the petition to show your support for free higher education for every New Mexican.